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En Banc Resolution Announcement

The FBA is pleased to announce that on December 18, 2024, the Eastern District of Louisiana adopted an En Banc Resolution establishing a standardized process for the appointment and compensation of guardians ad litem (GALs) for child victims and witnesses. 

The process allows qualified attorneys to represent children who were victims of or witnesses to a crime involving abuse or exploitation to protect the best interests of the child in accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section 3509(h).  The resolution directed the Clerk of Court to maintain a roster of attorneys interested in serving as a GAL in the Eastern District of Louisiana, created criteria for attorneys to become eligible to serve as GALs, and established a process to compensate appointed GALs at the current Criminal Justice Act panel rate.  The resolution also allows appointed GALs to seek reimbursement for reasonable costs and fees associated with the representation. 

Please read the En Banc Resolution for more information.  Attorneys interested in joining the GAL roster are encouraged to visit the page on the Clerk of Court website dedicated to the GAL appointment process and review the application form and certification requirements.  All the information regarding this order can be found at the link below.    If you have any questions or would like more information, please email the Clerk of Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana at

Link for more information

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